These are pictures of Sarah and Charlotte, my 'little girls'. Sarah is the fat, wildly coloured calico- a "tortie", if you will. Charlotte is the somber grey and white small one. I live with them in their house, and I love them more than life.
As I get more pictures of 'the girls', I'll put them here. I know it's dumb, but when you're as pathetic as me, it helps.
Sarah |
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Sarah was my first Kitty. She came to me in 1999 as a three-month-old by way of being found in my flower bed- left for dead by the neighborhood kids that were abusing her. They'd been throwing her into a trampoline, and managed to tear her left eye open (it's a deeper "gold" color than her right eye, now, and the pupil is jagged and irregular). Initially, she was malnourished and sickly, in addition to being injured and dirty. She wouldn't move at all, and didn't even object to being bathed- she was that hurt.
My vet claims that she has eyesight in the left eye again- but I'd love to know how he "knows" that. I try to cover her right eye sometimes to see if she reacts to things in the left- but she just shuts the left one! Whatever the case, though, she's happy now, and very far from malnourished.
No- the damned kids didn't get punished. I didn't see them doing it, and the neighbor that did wouldn't tell me names because they didn't want to get parents upset at them. If Sarah had died, or been blinded, I'd have probably gone ahead and called the cops- but it just wasn't worth the hassle. I'm certainly no hippy tree-hugging vegan nutjob- but I definitely have a problem with abusing an animal with no specific benefit to Man other than pleasure. Science is one thing- throwing a poor little kitten into a trampoline because it's cool to hurt kitties pisses me off.
Charlotte |
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Charlotte was my second Kitty, and she came to me as an unwanted "gift" for some children in 2000. She was somewhere around six months old when she moved in. She's skittish and nervous, and kinda clumsy with her long legs.
This "glamorous" backlit picture of Charlotte does a good job of bringing out the cute little grey spot on her chin. You can kinda see that she has multi-colored toes in one other shot, too. Some of her pads are pink, some are darker- they go with the fur. Charlotte is very cute.
Charlotte doesn't have any great drama associated with her life. She has an inappropriate suckling instinct that seems to activate whenever she gets into the plush furry kitty-bed that I bought for her. She sucks on the side and purrs loudly. Other than that, she's a perfectly normal Kitty.